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Important Risk Disclosure For PAIF

  • ABF Pan Asia Bond Index Fund ("PAIF") is an exchange traded bond fund which seeks to provide investment returns that corresponds closely to the total return of the Markit iBoxx ABF Pan-Asia Index ("Index"), before fees and expenses, and its return may deviate from that of the Index.
  • PAIF primarily invests in local currency government and quasi-government bonds in eight Asian markets, comprising of China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
  • Investment involves risks, including risks of exposure to bonds in both developed and emerging Asia markets. Investors may lose part or all of their investments.

Important Risk Disclosure For PAIF

  • ABF Pan Asia Bond Index Fund ("PAIF") is an exchange traded bond fund which seeks to provide investment returns that corresponds closely to the total return of the Markit iBoxx ABF Pan-Asia Index ("Index"), before fees and expenses, and its return may deviate from that of the Index.
  • PAIF primarily invests in local currency government and quasi-government bonds in eight Asian markets, comprising of China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
  • Investment involves risks, including risks of exposure to bonds in both developed and emerging Asia markets. Investors may lose part or all of their investments.
  • PAIF is not "actively managed" and will not try to "beat" the market it tracks.
  • The Executives' Meeting of East Asia and Pacific Central Banks group (the "EMEAP") member central banks and monetary authorities are like any other investors in PAIF and each of them may dispose of their respective interest in the Units they hold. There are no guarantees that the EMEAP member central banks and monetary authorities will continue to be investors in PAIF.
  • The trading price of PAIF may differ from the underlying net asset value per share.
  • PAIF may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should not invest based on this marketing material only. Investors should read the PAIF's prospectus, including the risk factors, take into consideration of the product features, their own investment objectives, risk tolerance level etc and seek independent financial and professional advices as appropriate prior to making any investment.

Future-Focused Asian Fixed Income

Asian Economies are exhibiting good growth trends. This is due to favorable demographics, strengthening domestic demand, moderate inflation and increased global competitiveness. Favorable historical return/risk profile means that Asian Local Currency Government Bonds can facilitate the drawdown of a level of income without eroding as much capital as other assets.


The ABF Pan Asia Bond Index Fund offers a range of benefits to investors including: 


PAIF offers eight Asian markets combined in a single investment - China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. The unique blend of growth engines in Asia gives investors broad exposure, and diversification can lead to a smoother investment experience. 

Easy Access

PAIF is readily available on stock exchanges in Hong Kong and Tokyo, investors have daily access and at a relatively low-cost. 


Thoughtful index construction that aims for quality, liquidity, and diversification, has resulted in some investors using PAIF as a consistent income generator and for capital compounding. This is a fund that investors have held on to over the longer term.

Established in 2005, PAIF is the first regional Asian fixed income ETF in the region1 and now exceeds US$3 billion in assets under management.

Fund Facts

For more information about PAIF, contact us.